Trump Tweets IN ALL CAPS When Federal Court Rules His Muslim Ban “Unconstitutional”

Trump Tweets IN ALL CAPS When Federal Court Rules His Muslim Ban “Unconstitutional”

Hillary Clinton Trolls the Hell Out of Trump After His Court Defeat

Hillary Clinton Trolls the Hell Out of Trump After His Court Defeat

American Veterans Unite for Second ‘Deployment’ Against Dakota Access Pipeline

American Veterans Unite for Second ‘Deployment’ Against Dakota Access Pipeline

Rosie O’Donnell Changed her Twitter Profile – and People are Going Wild

Rosie O’Donnell Changed her Twitter Profile – and People are Going Wild

Hillary Clinton: Trolled Donald Trump Like a Pro

Hillary Clinton: Trolled Donald Trump Like a Pro

Senate Republicans Silence Elizabeth Warren As She Reads This Letter

Senate Republicans Silence Elizabeth Warren As She Reads This Letter

Trump Falsifies Statement on U.S. Murder Rate to sheriffs’ Group

Trump Falsifies Statement on U.S. Murder Rate to sheriffs’ Group

Wife Leaves Her Husband of 22 Years Because he Voted for Donald Trump

Wife Leaves Her Husband of 22 Years Because he Voted for Donald Trump

Trump Threatens to ‘Defund’ California – The State Responsible for 13% of America’s GDP

Trump Threatens to ‘Defund’ California – The State Responsible for 13% of America’s GDP

As Trump Turns Away Refugees – White Supremacist Caught in Possession of Deadly Toxin: ricin

As Trump Turns Away Refugees – White Supremacist Caught in Possession of Deadly Toxin: ricin

Turncoat of the Week: The Single Democrat Who Voted in Favor of Jeff Sessions

Turncoat of the Week: The Single Democrat Who Voted in Favor of Jeff Sessions

Kellyanne Conway Commits Crime Fox News – Demonstrates Trump Family Conflict’s of Interest

Kellyanne Conway Commits Crime Fox News – Demonstrates Trump Family Conflict’s of Interest

New Executive Order Signed by Trump Gives Police More Authority to Use Violence

New Executive Order Signed by Trump Gives Police More Authority to Use Violence

Government Ethics Website Crashed After Too Many Complaints About Kellyanne Conway

Government Ethics Website Crashed After Too Many Complaints About Kellyanne Conway

Federal Judges Refuse Outright to Reinstate Trump’s Unconstitutional Immigration Ban

Federal Judges Refuse Outright to Reinstate Trump’s Unconstitutional Immigration Ban

Angry Twitter CEO Makes Major Announcement About Trump’s Account – He’s Not Going to Like It

Angry Twitter CEO Makes Major Announcement About Trump’s Account – He’s Not Going to Like It

Trump Threatens to Defund The Entire State Of California

Trump Threatens to Defund The Entire State Of California

Five Patriots Players Reject Trump’s Proposed Visit With Expressive Statement

Five Patriots Players Reject Trump’s Proposed Visit With Expressive Statement

GOP Votes to Eliminate the Federal Agency That Protects Voting Machines From Being Hacked

GOP Votes to Eliminate the Federal Agency That Protects Voting Machines From Being Hacked

School Choice Gutted Detroit’s Public Schools – The Rest of America Could Be Next

School Choice Gutted Detroit’s Public Schools – The Rest of America Could Be Next