New Republican Legislation Moves to Abolish Department of Education Outright

New Republican Legislation Moves to Abolish Department of Education Outright

Marco Rubio Accepts $100,000 From Betsy DeVos’ Family Just Before Confirming Her

Marco Rubio Accepts $100,000 From Betsy DeVos’ Family Just Before Confirming Her

Trump Already Going on Second Vacation for the Second Weekend in a Row

Trump Already Going on Second Vacation for the Second Weekend in a Row

The Terrorist That Trump’s SEAL Raid Mission Missed, Now Openly Mocking Donald Trump

The Terrorist That Trump’s SEAL Raid Mission Missed, Now Openly Mocking Donald Trump

Trump Threatens State Lawmaker: ‘What’s his name? We’ll destroy his career!’

Trump Threatens State Lawmaker: ‘What’s his name? We’ll destroy his career!’

Kellyanne Conway’s ‘Bowling Green massacre’ Was No a Slip – She Has Referenced it Before.

Kellyanne Conway’s ‘Bowling Green massacre’ Was No a Slip – She Has Referenced it Before.

Never Dump Pickle Juice Down the Drain

Never Dump Pickle Juice Down the Drain

Hilarious Photoshops Show Trump In His True Form

Hilarious Photoshops Show Trump In His True Form

Jake Tapper Calls Trump A Liar, Right To Kellyanne Conway’s Face

Jake Tapper Calls Trump A Liar, Right To Kellyanne Conway’s Face

Seattle Severs Ties with Wells Fargo in Protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline

Seattle Severs Ties with Wells Fargo in Protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline

Trump’s Accidental Hashtag Takes Twitter By Storm – Makes Him Look More Absurd Than Ever

Trump’s Accidental Hashtag Takes Twitter By Storm – Makes Him Look More Absurd Than Ever

Elizabeth Warren Reads Letter from MLK’s Wife – Republicans Don’t Want You To Hear This

Elizabeth Warren Reads Letter from MLK’s Wife – Republicans Don’t Want You To Hear This

Cops Heard  Some Rumors – Their Worst Nightmares Are Realized When They See Their Kids’ Arms

Cops Heard Some Rumors – Their Worst Nightmares Are Realized When They See Their Kids’ Arms

Obama Learns To Kitesurf In The Caribbean – These Photos Will Make Your Day

Obama Learns To Kitesurf In The Caribbean – These Photos Will Make Your Day

Rosie O’Donnell Answers her Calling: ‘I willl play Steve Bannon on SNL’

Rosie O’Donnell Answers her Calling: ‘I willl play Steve Bannon on SNL’

Patriot Players Refusing To Visit Trump – Here is Why

Patriot Players Refusing To Visit Trump – Here is Why

Rosie O’Donnell Offers SNL to Play Steve Bannon

Rosie O’Donnell Offers SNL to Play Steve Bannon

Twitter Erupted Furiously At Betsy DeVos Confirmation

Twitter Erupted Furiously At Betsy DeVos Confirmation

The “Trump Wall” Super Bowl Ad Was Censored – Here’s The Unedited Version

The “Trump Wall” Super Bowl Ad Was Censored – Here’s The Unedited Version

Coke’s Superbowl Ad Taught Trump A HUUGE Lesson About America

Coke’s Superbowl Ad Taught Trump A HUUGE Lesson About America