Waitress Surprised By 3 Trump Supporters Who Sit at Her Table—When They Left She Was Left in Tears

Waitress Surprised By 3 Trump Supporters Who Sit at Her Table—When They Left She Was Left in Tears

Photographer Shares Viral Photo With Her Husband and Son in Shower Is Going to Court

Photographer Shares Viral Photo With Her Husband and Son in Shower Is Going to Court

Howard Schulz: “Starbucks Promises to Hire 10,000 Refugees”

Howard Schulz: “Starbucks Promises to Hire 10,000 Refugees”

Here’s How Bannon Is Injecting Breitbart’s White Nationalism Into The White House

Here’s How Bannon Is Injecting Breitbart’s White Nationalism Into The White House

California Threatens To Stop Paying Taxes Should Trump Cut Funding Over Sanctuary City Status

California Threatens To Stop Paying Taxes Should Trump Cut Funding Over Sanctuary City Status

Secret Service Agent Reveals Why She Will Not Take A Bullet For Trump

Secret Service Agent Reveals Why She Will Not Take A Bullet For Trump

Trump Hangs Portrait Of Genocidal Racist In The Oval Office

Trump Hangs Portrait Of Genocidal Racist In The Oval Office

Pope Warns, Rise of White Nationalism Could Lead to a Modern Hitler

Pope Warns, Rise of White Nationalism Could Lead to a Modern Hitler

Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Announce Their Newest Endeavor

Former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Announce Their Newest Endeavor

Dan Rather Goes Viral Responding To Trump’s Refugee Ban

Dan Rather Goes Viral Responding To Trump’s Refugee Ban

Ex-KGB Spy Cited In Trump Blackmail Dossier, Found Dead

Ex-KGB Spy Cited In Trump Blackmail Dossier, Found Dead

U.S. Federal Government Finally Admits Marijuana Does Kill Cancer Cells

U.S. Federal Government Finally Admits Marijuana Does Kill Cancer Cells

Number of Fatal Terror Attacks in the US Carried Out By Refugees: Zero

Number of Fatal Terror Attacks in the US Carried Out By Refugees: Zero

With Coconut Oil You Can Reverse Cavities And Heal Decomposing Teeth

With Coconut Oil You Can Reverse Cavities And Heal Decomposing Teeth

Ex-Breitbart Chief Steve Bannon, Given seat on Trump’s National Security Council

Ex-Breitbart Chief Steve Bannon, Given seat on Trump’s National Security Council

‘Bad Lip Reading’: Here’s What Obama and Trump Actually Said To Each Other at Inauguration

‘Bad Lip Reading’: Here’s What Obama and Trump Actually Said To Each Other at Inauguration

Will You Be The First Person To Tell Which Number Is Missing?

Will You Be The First Person To Tell Which Number Is Missing?

Trump Sends Note To The Press Explaining How Much The Press Loves Him

Trump Sends Note To The Press Explaining How Much The Press Loves Him

Scientists Announce Massive Protest Against Donald Trump In Washington D.C.

Scientists Announce Massive Protest Against Donald Trump In Washington D.C.

National Parks Launche ‘Resistance’ Twitter Account – Bypassing Trump’s Censorship

National Parks Launche ‘Resistance’ Twitter Account – Bypassing Trump’s Censorship