NY Times Confirms: Trump Is Still Using His Unsecured Phone

NY Times Confirms: Trump Is Still Using His Unsecured Phone

The Anne Frank Center Responds To Trump’s Immigration Order

The Anne Frank Center Responds To Trump’s Immigration Order

Trump Declares His Own Inauguration Date as ‘Day of Patriotic Devotion’

Trump Declares His Own Inauguration Date as ‘Day of Patriotic Devotion’

CNN’s Jake Tapper Trolling Trump: ‘Here’s an alternate fact — I’m Wolf Blitzer’

CNN’s Jake Tapper Trolling Trump: ‘Here’s an alternate fact — I’m Wolf Blitzer’

California Files A Bill That Requires Schools Tell The Truth About Trump’s Win

California Files A Bill That Requires Schools Tell The Truth About Trump’s Win

Barack Obama Makes First Tweet Since Becoming A Private Citizen

Barack Obama Makes First Tweet Since Becoming A Private Citizen

WikiLeaks Determines to Locate And Release Trump’s Tax Returns

WikiLeaks Determines to Locate And Release Trump’s Tax Returns

Dallas Stars Hilariously Troll Trump’s Pathetic Inauguration

Dallas Stars Hilariously Troll Trump’s Pathetic Inauguration

SNL’s “Shirtless Putin” Mocks Trump’s Pathetic Inauguration Crowds

SNL’s “Shirtless Putin” Mocks Trump’s Pathetic Inauguration Crowds

Dan Rather Goes Viral Responding to Trump’s “Alternative Facts”

Dan Rather Goes Viral Responding to Trump’s “Alternative Facts”

She Warns Others About This Popular Drink — After A Close Shave With Death

She Warns Others About This Popular Drink — After A Close Shave With Death

Stop Buying Ginger! Here’s How to Grow an Endless Supply of Ginger At Home

Stop Buying Ginger! Here’s How to Grow an Endless Supply of Ginger At Home

Dogs Find Tiny Baby Lying On The Ground – Rescuers Realize She’s A Feathertail Glider

Dogs Find Tiny Baby Lying On The Ground – Rescuers Realize She’s A Feathertail Glider

Trump Claims to Have Had Biggest Inaugural Crowd Ever – The Metrics Disagree

Trump Claims to Have Had Biggest Inaugural Crowd Ever – The Metrics Disagree

The Research Is In: People Who Use Profanity Are More Honest Than Those Who Do Not

The Research Is In: People Who Use Profanity Are More Honest Than Those Who Do Not

Women’s March in L.A. Draws Over 700K People – ZERO Arrests Made

Women’s March in L.A. Draws Over 700K People – ZERO Arrests Made

Republicans Sneak In A Bill To Gift Our Public Lands To Corporations

Republicans Sneak In A Bill To Gift Our Public Lands To Corporations

Inside The Big and Totally Gay Dance Party At Mike Pence’s House Last Night

Inside The Big and Totally Gay Dance Party At Mike Pence’s House Last Night

Trump Announces Elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts

Trump Announces Elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts

Trump Flip-Flops: Admits He Will Slash Social Security and Medicare

Trump Flip-Flops: Admits He Will Slash Social Security and Medicare